2562 14th Street. Kingsburg Ca. 93631

Estate Sale, Kingsburg Ca. Friday May 24th 8 am till 1 pm & Saturday 25th 7am till 12 pm
address: 2562 14th Street, Kingsburg Ca. 93631 ( Off Sierra St. take 14th north to sales, follow signs )
Featuring Nice collection of Disney comic illustrations by Schultz, one hand signed, TCL flat screen TV, Stereo equipment, Samsung TV, Kitchen table and chairs, Whirlpool Refrigerator, Maytag washer & dryer, Several nice recliners-one electric, Sofas and Love seat, Coffee table and lamp tables, Basset master bedroom set, Mid-century bedroom set, Entertainment centers. music boxes, Collection of Jim Beam Bottles, large selection of 1960’s Look, Post, & Life magazines and newspapers, Willow tree figures, Joy originals, Mid-century cat figures, Exercise bike, Book cases, Oak file cabinet, Antique mantle clock, Sewing machines, Gun Safe, Full Kitchen all the appliances, pots & pans & baking dishes & utensils, Table saw, Baby Buggy and hi-chair, patio chairs, Wheel Barrows, tolls, Holiday decorations, rocks, and more…
Term of Sale, we accept cash and all major credit cards, No Checks, local sales tax is added to all purchases, all sales are final, all merchandise is sold ‘as is’, if you plan on purchasing any large items please bring your own helpers to remove form home and load, dcobbestateliquidators and its clients are not responsible for lost or stolen property or personal injury-you are entering property at your own risk, Special time this weekend, Friday entry numbers will be given out at 7am doors open at 8 am Saturday entry number given out at 6 am Doors open at 7 am.