17861 Fairfield Dr. Madera Ca. 93638

Huge 3 Day Estate Sale, Madera Ca. Friday June 7th Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th from 8 am till 1 pm
Huge 4,400 sq. ft. home absolutely stuffed with High quality home furnishings, collectibles, Art, Automobiles, Auto shop tools, Jewelry, and more…
Will be posting more photos up till late Thursday evening.
Address: 17861 Fairfield Dr. Madera Ca. 93638 ( From Hwy 99 take Ave 17 go east To Melba Dr. Follow signs)
Ridgway Grandfather clock Sun/Moon. Fabulous Master Bedroom Suit, Beautifully Carved Sofa, Love Seat and Side chairs, Disney Collectibles, Barbie Collectibles, Die Cast car and motorcycle collections, Fabulous Pedestals with statues, Swan pedestals, Complete Pioneer stereo system, Several large screen TV’s, Beautiful Pool Table, Little Chief Pin Ball machine, Two chase lounges, Fancy carved side chairs, Hundreds of Ceramic figurines, Mud men, dozens of crystal figurines, Second master Bedroom Suit with new adjustable kin bed, Several nice oil paintings, Dozens of Brass animal figurines, Fancy Antique hall tree, Brass Urns, Cut crystal Bohemian glass, Blue art glass vases, Milk Glass, Lots of oriental vases, Magnificent Three Piece Brass clock and candle holder mantle set, Lots of Jade trees, Elvis collectibles, Antique oak Armoire, Beautiful wall sconces, Hi end Exercise machine. Vintage 1970’s swivel chairs, Pair of really nice Walnut Corner cupboards, miniature shoe collection, Indian clay vase, oriental rugs, Wood carved animal, incredible walnut inlay server, Gold plated silverware, oak Roll top desk, several nice Jewelry cabinets, Disco lighting system, Hobnail milk glass, vintage aluminum pots, Lots of vintage Pyrex, Vintage Aluminum cookware, Copper cookware, Bar and Stools, Oak Pressed back kitchen chairs, 4 x’s the normal kitchen ware-dishes, cookware, utensils, appliances, Blue cobalt, Kitchen air mixers, Stainless restaurant bain-maries. lots of great serving dishes, huge selection of Holiday items… Ill be adding more photos and list Thursday evening we are still unloading cupboards…
TOOLS/TOOLS/& MORE TOOLS- Guys-do not go to the hardware store before coming here, In the Garage, complete Auto-mechanic shop, Hundreds and Hundreds of wrench’s, socket, hand tools, Craftsman, Proto, Huskey, S&K, Three commercial weed whackers, and gages of all types, Acetylene Torch, IR Compressor, Several nice tool boxes, Dozens of power tools and air tools, Auto motive parts, Chain saws, air compressors, Edgers, Small engines, Cherry Picker, Lincoln Arc welder, Great vises, Wood Chipper, Edger, Bravo gas leaf blower, Electric leaf blower, Ill be adding to this list and photos Wednesday and Thursday nights, This shop is insane wait till you see it. Street lights, Cast iron mail box, Cement mixer, lots of garden tools, Ladders,
Cars Datsun 280 Z needs full restoration good project car, 1997 Lincoln ( Runs ) needs work, Open utility trailer, 1974 Merz, buy as parts, Motor Home buy as parts,
Terms of sale, We accept cash and all major credit cards, no checks, local sales tax is added to all purchases, all sales are final. all merchandise is sold as is, If you plan on purchasing any large items please bring your own helpers to remove from home and load into your vehicle, Bring tie downs as well, decobbestateliquidators and its clients are not responsible for lost or stolen property or personal injury-you are entering property at your own risk, REMEMMBER THIS IS A THREE DAY SALE, Entry numbers will be given out starting Friday at 7 am doors open from 8 am till 1 pm each day. Parking is available on street. please be courteous to our neighbors and don’t block driveways or intersections. Check out our Web sit at www.dcobbestateliquidators.com