12599 E. Sierra
Clovis Ca. 93619

Estate Sale Clovis Ca. Friday April 5th & Saturday 6th From 8 am Till 1 pm
Address: 12599 E. Sierra, Clovis Ca. 93619. On Sierra Between Del Ray and Academy, Take Herndon East of Temperance to Del Ray turn right go to Sierra turn left, follow signs, From Academy turn west on Sierra go about 1/2 mile to home, parking is on Sierra-short walk down gravel driveway to home, Once you have made your purchases you may drive in to pick up.
Beautiful Home on 5 acres, This home has wonderful antiques and contemporary home furnishings, lots of great collectibles, Huge selection of Hunting and fishing & camping gear, Amo reloading supplies, 18′ open flat tandem axle trailer, Equipment, Lots of nice power and hand tools, Huge collection of cured gun stock wood, Archery supplies, Sargent & Greenleaf 24 gun Safe, Huge selection of fishing gear-poles reels lures tackle boxes and more, Massive collection of hunting gear to include-Viper tree mount stands, Camouflage everything from clothing to tents, To huts, back packs, you name it we got it. rifle scopes Amo boxes, wet dry vacs, Bushnell sentry II, M-Sports kits duo basket ball court, Two canoes, large collection of old wood and canvas ducks, Bronze Duck, and Eagle, Old wood snow shoes and wood skies, Old Spurs by BB-Anchor & Colorado, old boot jacks, Lots of gun stocks, Home furnishings, Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer, Antique oak hall tree, antique oak China cabinet, Two antique oak ice boxes, antique oak dining table & chairs, Ladies’ antique oak S roll top desks, Leather sofa and love seat, two complete Bedroom sets, Huge oil lamp collection to include Satan glass ‘gone with the wind lamp’ Lots of hand and power tools, Craftsman tool chest. Two mountain bikes, yard wagons, old cast iron stove, Fire pit, approx. 20’x24′ Aluminum car cover, 8’x20′ C-Train, approx. 10×10 barn storage shed, Tractor implements, wagon sprayers, flatbed Tandem axle trailer, Potted plants, lots of good garden tools, Enormous amount of cleaning and house hold supplies, Still setting up on Wednesday-will post more list and photos Thursday evening.
Terms of sale, we accept cash and all major credit cards, no checks, local sales tax is added to all purchases, all sales are final, all merchandise sold as is, if plan on purchasing large items please bring your own helpers to remove and load, docbbestateliquidators and its clients are not responsible for lost or stolen property or personal injury ty are entering property at your own risk. Entry number are given out starting at 7 am doors open at 8 am.