2685 N. Del Ray Ave. Sanger Ca. 93657

Huge Horse Ranch Auction, December 9th in Sanger Ca. Starts at 9 am sharp, Rain or shine
Auction Preview Friday December 8th from 10 am to 12noon. And day of auction from 8 am till auction starts.
2685 N. Del Ray Ave. Sanger 93657 ( From Ashlan Ave. take Del Ray South to location, From Hwy 180 Take Del Ray North 2.8 miles to location, Follow signs, Attention! there will be parking attendants on site to direct you to a parking spot. If you park on street Neighbor will have you towed, be sure to follow parking attendants instructions during preview and sale. There’s plenty of parking for everyone.
Horse trailer, Motor home, Flat trailers and Utility trailers, Quads, outstanding selection of Saddles, Frank Villa Saddle, circle ‘Y’ Saddle, Steuben forward seat jumping saddle, Australian saddle, McPherson saddle, huge selection of tac, Fully restored Cushman, Kawasaki Mule 2500, Trail Wagon 400, Horse hot walker, TOOLS, TOOLS, AND MORE TOOLS, Two ATV’s, Coleman Vertex 7500 Generator, TPC 2900 DX ac Generator, Troy Built 5550 Watt Generator, Troy Built 3700 psi. $gpm Honda power washer, IC Shrub cutter, Jacobsen 10 Gal Compressor, Champion 6,000 Generator, Champion 4000 Generator, De walt 80 Gal 155psi compressor, Craftsman 675 E Weed eater, Hydraulic Jack stands, Several Irrigation pump motors, Shop Fans, Table and floor standing drill presses, Lincoln AC 225 Arc Welder, large steel Welding table, 2 Acetylene torch sets-plus lots of extra cutting torches, Masks, Skill model 728 Roto Hammer, 12 Stihl Gas Weed eaters, Adjustable A-Gate, Country line sop fans, Farmhand125 Welder-Mig-flux core, wire feed, Double grinders bench and standing, Earth Quake model 9800B Post hole digger, Huskey Pro-80 Gal, 4 hp 175 psi air compressor, Cm Horizontal/Vertical metal cutting band saw, Tradesman belt sander, 2-MC43- 2 cycle cultivators, Several Echo, Poulin Home lite-Gas & Electric leaf blowers, Several Gas and Electric chain saws, Power craft Radial Arm saw, Shop lights, Propane, Kerosene and electric shop heaters, large Propane tanks, Several industrial spray tanks, Saw-all, skill saws, routers, sanders, cobra 327 fastening system Several pneumatic nail guns, Hundreds of craftsman and other hand tools, air hoses, Extension cords, Pipe wrenches, Bolt cutters of all sizes, welding and other clamps, Wheel barrows, Garden tools, Several bench vises, Levels, Tap & die set, Ladders, Scaffolding, Pulleys, all sizes of floor jacks, 1000’s of shop supplies-nuts ,bolts, screws, fasteners electrical fittings, ABS tubing and fittings, Vintage Huffy Bike, PLUS NICE SELECTION OF WESTERN SADDLES, AND BITS, HARNESSES, BLANKETS AND MUCH MORE...Gents we have a magnificent diamond bracelet in this auction just in time for Christmas.
Ok! So this 40’x 80′ shop is Absolutely packed with Tools, compressors, welders, acetylene sets, hand and power tools, Shop fans, walls are stuffed floor to ceiling, stacked over 6′ hi in center, There are antiques and collectibles stashed everywhere. Be sure to set this date – Dec. 9th 2023 aside to attend this auction.
Terms of Auction: You must register to bid, Bring your ID, We accept cash and all Major credit cards, 13% buyers premium with 3% discount for paying with cash. Local sales tax is added to all purchases, All merchandise is sold as is, No Warranties, No Refunds, you will be responsible for loading all your own purchases-bring helpers with you, Auction Preview will be Friday 8th from 10 am till 12 noon and Saturday morning 9th from 8 am till auction time. We will have parking attendants on site to assist you with parking- Please be sure to follow their directions.