Will post address week of sale
Enormous THREE DAY ESTATE SALE, Los Banos Ca. Friday Oct. 18th Sat. 19th & Sun. 20th
Will Post address Wednesday week of sale,
The larges collection of sports memorabilia to be offered in central California in 30 years, 10’s of 1000’s of pieces from Baseball & football cards, to hundreds of action figure, Early Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Shaq, Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, and many others, Nascar memorabilia-cards die cast, Huge coin collection some of the coins and tokens are in binders of up to 20 pages of coins or tokens per Binder, gold and silver jewelry, signs, posters, Wheaties boxes-mint cond. Vintage fishing gear, Huge collection of Insulators, 1000’s of Baseball card, Trains, Vintage speakers, Will be posting list and photos every day starting October 10th so check in at our website daily to see what’s been found and unpacked, www.dcobbestateliquidators.com
This is only a fraction , i will be adding photos to list every day Special note; 99% of the sports action figures and cards are in mint cond. in original container, He was matriculas in packing and inventorying everything as you can see by the packing lists photo’d.
Terms of sale we accept cash and all major credit cards, fees apply to cc, local sales tax is added to all purchases, all merchandise sold as is, all sales are final, if you plan on purchasing any large items be sure to bring your own helpers to remove form home and load into your vehicle, dcobbestateliquidators and its clients are not responsible for lost or stolen property or personal injury you are entering premises at your own risk, Entry numbers will be given out starting at 7 an doors open at 8 am each morning. Note: Coins and Tokens may be sold by each or sheet or full binder.
Important note: Large Bags, large Purses, Back packs will not be allowed in the sale, We will provide you with a shopping bag,